Classic Radio Club Membership 6 Months
$133.00 / 6 months
Sign up for 6 Months for only $22.16 per month!
Join now and receive your 10 Classic Radio Shows on 5 CDs for the the first month.
After that you will receive 10 more Classic Radio Shows on 5 CDs every month. Your card will be billed automatically every 6 months, but you can cancel your renewal at any time. These collections have a retail value of $39.99, but you’ll pay only a fraction of that to enjoy these digitally-mastered classic radio shows.
Here’s the 10 half-hour classic radio shows you’ll receive in your first collection by joining: The Abbott & Costello Show w/ The Who’s On First? routine / The Adventures of Sam Spade, Detective / Dimension X / Escape / Fibber McGee & Molly / Gunsmoke / Have Gun-Will Travel / Inner Sanctum / The Jack Benny Program / Suspense
Sign up now to get monthly classic radio shows sent to your door each and every month!